To be honest, I have lost track of how many NY Resolution articles that MM-EH has put out (I think this is the 6th or 7th), but this one is by far the largest.
We have professional and amateur fighters, coaches, promoters, referees, and matchmakers from one coast to the other. All of the major Canadian and international fight organizations are represented.
I am confident that I have forgotten to invite more than a few who really should have been included, and for that I sincerely apologize. This was a pretty big undertaking this year.
I would like to thank everyone who took time out of their busy holidays to give thoughtful and sincere insight into what they hope for themselves in the coming year.
Keep fighting the good fight everyone, and enjoy the read.
Andy Cotterill.
PS- Please feel free to comment below and let us know what your resolutions are for 2024!
PPS- Every name is linked to the person’s Instagram page, so check them out and give them some love!
Jarred Dumond – Goal for 2024 is to turn the ship in the right direction and fight as much as possible.

Alin Halmagean (House of Champions) – Peace in the world in 2024. No wars, and more understanding between people. For my team, health so we can continue doing what we’re doing, and same for all the MMA community in Canada; I wish them all a happy new year. Many wins in 2024.
Jamey-Lyn Horth (UFC) – My New Year’s resolution is to continue to grow, fight as often as possible and showcase all I have!
Gurdarshan Mangat (ONE FC) – My New Year’s resolution is to make an amazing comeback post ACL reconstruction and take my spot as one of the best at ONE like I never left . Make my title run towards the flyweight title and rebuild back to the top fighter I was and more day by day.
Charles Jourdain (UFC) –
1 – I hope Trudeau will resign;
2 – Move to the Emirates to stop giving liberals taxes;
3 – Keep getting paid for punching people consensually;
4 – One Punch Man season 3.
Pat Pytlik – Knock out my next opponent and then knock up my old lady.
Scott MacLean (FitPlus MMA) – My New Year’s resolution is to improve my weaknesses.
Aaron Jeffery (Bellator/PFL) – Don’t die.

Owner’s Box
Brian Bird (Champion’s Creed MMA – Absolute MMA) – To continue crushing goals and staying on mission, but with a focus on staying more balanced with time spent between personal, family, and coaching/business.
Shari Carruthers (BTC Fight) – My 2024 New Year’s resolution is to continue to work in the Ministry’s Combative Sport Act Advisory Council to promote combat sports in the province. Working within the council to bring back Amateur MMA in the province (2024), hosting our first amateur show in Ontario. Continuing to strive to grow and expand Pro MMA in the province creating more opportunities for our MMA athletes to excel and progress to bigger platforms. Improve and grow through hard work and integrity.
Derek Clarke (Fight League Atlantic) – Personal – Continue building my Little Lobster Jiu Jitsu kids program in my hometown and compete in a couple Jiu Jitsu tournaments if possible. Professional – Keep having successful and fun events helping the growth of Canadian MMA in a respectable fashion in which the athletes continue to flourish, making it the best year for Canadian MMA yet!
Jon Foster (Fight League Atlantic) – To build and grow Fight League Atlantic and the east coast MMA scene and put on some awesome shows!
Jay Golshani (Battlefield Fight League) – 2024 the plan is to continue to market our roster in a professional manner hence they achieve maximum exposure so they are proud to fight under our banner. Every Fighter on the roster matters and we plan to continue to tell the fans the story of each and every fight. 10 fighters from the roster have graduated to the UFC/ 6 of those started as amateur fighters with us. By 2026 the plan is to help 10 more athletes graduate from the roster to the UFC. As our slogan states we don’t claim to be the biggest but we definitely are the #1 developmental organization. Lastly in 2024 we will continue to actively make changes to differentiate the product, continue the climb up the rankings based on our ratings, and make this a more international brand to move into the top 3 on Fight Pass alongside LFA and Cage Warriors.
Bojan Kladnjaković (THICC Boy Fight Club) – My New Years Resolution is to make less mistakes stay calm and keep moving. To keep improving my fitness and my finances. To become more dangerous, skilled, wealthy and healthy.
Daniel Lafond (Samourai MMA) – My resolution for the year 2024 is to take care of my health and savour every moment of happiness. For our organization, Samourai MMA, I wish to continue our progress and enable our fighters to achieve their dreams.
Lee Mein (Rumble in the Cage) – My goals 2024 are to build on my health so I can compete in MMA, bare knuckle boxing, and bare knuckle MMA. I also want to compete in more BJJ tournaments this year. I don’t want to live as a spectator. Competition keeps me out of my comfort zone and makes me challenge myself in all areas of life. I hope everyone has a great year making yourself bullet proof.
Sunny Sareen (Unified MMA) – To continue to build Canadian MMA, and help it prosper. Also, to sit back every once in a while and appreciate all that’s been done already.
Jasmine Jasudavicius (UFC) – My New Year’s Resolution is enjoy the journey.

Justin Bourgeois – My New Year’s Resolution is to be the best fiancé to my soon to be wife, and continue to be a great father to my four boys Mason, Myles, Mirrell, and Mannie. I would also like to go take back my KCC Featherweight Title in Dijon, France from Brice Picaud that I was robbed of. I’m the uncrowned Kingdom Challenge Featherweight Champion.
Michael Dufort – Still improve and get opportunities to show it by winning everything!
Noah Ali – To collect gold and silver for my family.
Matt DiMarcantonio (Niagara Top Team) – Professional: Continue to get better at helping athletes reach their full potential. Continue to grow the Martial Arts Community here in Niagara and make a positive impact in people’s lives.
Jesse Ronson (UFC Vet) – Get signed somewhere that pays well, fight 4 or 5 times and keep my 1st round finish streak going. Make some big money and a bigger name for myself. Win another title in the bigger promotions. No injuries no problems. Bumps in the road are standard, but keep good health and good fortune. Just trying to provide a better life for my wife and dogs.

Mark Hominick (UFC Vet) – On the MMA side I’m excited that there seems to be an opportunity for amateur MMA to return to Ontario this year. I look forward to being a part of the team that helps make that happen. On the family side, my youngest daughter is focussed on her soccer and track and field, and now my oldest has shown some interest in training BJJ which is amazing! I look forward to focusing on both my family as well as the Adrenaline family as always.
Kelton Sneve – My news year resolution in terms of MMA is start the year off proper and collect my 2nd pro win at LFA 174 of course in spectacular fashion.
Devon Lozej – I’m looking to fight 4 times, get 4 finishes and a UFC contract. Continue traveling the world and growing as a mixed martial artist.
Luc de Ste Croix – 2024 my goals are to reclaim the #1 amateur ranking in the country at my weight and go on to have a successful pro debut.
Mark Holst (UFC Vet) – My new year resolutions is to keep building our fight team, amateur team and to have some of them turn pro!
Mike Malott (UFC) – I’m looking to go 3-0 with 3 stoppages and be ranked top 5 by the end of the year.

Gino Ghalehpardaz – My 2024 Resolution is to:
* Compete 6 times across all combat sports including at least 3 MMA Fights;
* Read at least 10 books;
* Go on a training trip out of the country.
Gabe Sagman – Continue to improve and compete in both grappling and MMA. Grow the Jiu-Jitsu program at Niagara Top Team. Keep growing outside of martial arts with work and business opportunities.
Ramil Kamilov – UFC Debut win.
Alex Moher – Get Olympus MMA up and running, and get back in there by the end of the year!
Julien Leblanc – My short term goal of 2024 is to win my first professional title. My long term goal of 2024 is to fight for a “major” promotion as UFC or PFL. Get my name out there and show that I’m able to compete at this level. Also a life time goal that I want to continue improving is being the best father I can and best husband I can. Stay healthy, improve my martial arts technique, and be the best version of myself.

Fabio Holanda (BTT Canada) – I am a day by day guy I project nothing but to finish my day. So my resolution is to keeping wake up everyday and enjoy the day like always.
T.J. Laramie (UFC Vet) – New Year’s resolution would be to heal up and finish the year in a big promotion.
Faisal Rehman – My New Year’s resolution is to take hold of the good and let go of the bad, face new challenges head on, train my brain to transform difficulties into opportunities, and to get rich mentally and physically.
Tom Theocharis – My New Year’s resolution is to sign with a major league organization this year or go 3-0 on the regional circuit to set me up for the following year to sign with a major promotion. Continue to improve in all aspect of the sport by learning every single day, and staying consistent.
Zack Powell – My 2024 Resolution is to stay active, get 3 fights, and crack the UFC roster.
Ben Tynan – New year same Bad Mother Fucker.
Tariq Ismail – My New Year’s resolution is to win the PFL MENA tournament and buy me a GOAT!
Josh Lam – My New Years resolution is to get more finishes in MMA and submissions in jiu jitsu tournaments.
Kevin Popowick-Bastien – (2023 goal was to finish a book) 2024 – Put me down for 2 books this year!! I’m shooting high lol
Amin Almelik – Smoke more weed.

Jesse Gough – To build my new team (519 Martial Arts) up and have us compete as much as possible!
Jo Colette – Continue to find a maintainable balance between family, my tattoo studio and training/fighting. 3 fights in 2024. Clear my debts. Continue to foster my sons love for jiu jitsu so we can keep training and competing together.
Jake Craig – I would like to fight 4 x and compete at least two jiu jitsu tournaments. I’d like to compete in BKFC for at least one event. See what I am made of fighting against the best in the country.
Binaebi Otoru – My New Year’s resolution is to stay active this year have 3 fights and get a win streak going. Read 12 books and post 100+ fitness reels on my Instagram!
Kristopher Bryan – My 2024 will start off with a sprint, competing up to 3 times with spectacular submission or knockout finishes, resulting in exposure from higher promotions. I strive to complete my home library and have my company grow even more then it has for its second year! Trusting my abilities and honing in on my goals whether it’s financial , competitive or romantic. Maintaining a strong alliance with my tribe and consistently building synergy with my peers will play a strong part in the success of my mission. This is key to a strong 2024 for me. This is the way.
Lyndon Whitlock (Aegis MMA) – 2024 goal is to continue growing and developing the next generation of fighters. The year changes but the goals still stay the same.
Brian Beauchamp – Health is wealth in my mind , so exercise, eat healthy, and seek out help when you need to talk to somebody. You’re never to old to follow your dreams so work hard and never give up and it will come in 2024.
Anton Potocki – Have an active competition year. Have another first round finish. Break the top 10 in the rankings for my division. Strive to be the best version of myself, expand my overall game.
Isabelle Lacroix – My New Year’s resolution as an athlete is to improve my skill in all areas while making my way to the #1 spot. As a coach, I want to continue to inspire and make MMA accessible for women in my community. As a mom, I want to have the freedom to spend more time with my family.

Serhiy Sidey (UFC) – My New Year’s resolution for 2024 is to keep up my good habits and routines so I can keep improving myself and making myself 1% better everyday. Fight 3 times in the UFC and put on spectacular performances every time.
Mandel Nallo (Bellator Vet) – My New year’s resolution is to show my ability.
Chris Franco (FKP MMA) – My goal for 2023 was to coach Caio “Bigfoot” Machado (been training him for 10 years since his first pro fight) in winning a UFC contract on DWCS so definitely happy about that coming to fruition. 2024 is all about coaching Caio to crack the top ten rankings plus seeing my longtime students Jayden “Liquid Steel” Martin and Maria “The Babysitter” Demers claim the 185 and 125 pound BFL straps by year end. Oh! Almost forgot… on a continued quest in seeking out a very special price on issue #181 of The Incredible Hulk (First appearance of Wolverine). It’ll be an all around hustle but looking to achieve those goals.
Tyler Wilson – I’d like to win 3 fights and get a shot at contenders series/UFC.
Sam Stout (UFC Vet) – My resolution this year is to take my health more seriously. I’ve always worked out hard but haven’t always taken my nutrition as seriously as I should. I also want to cut out some of the unnecessary stress in my life so I can be a better man for my family.
Ash Mashregi – To be a good man to my girls and knock absolutely everyone out. Lol – It’s Smash season!
Jeff Harrison (613 Fight Factory) – In 2024 I will continue to foster professional MMA in the National Capital Region and continue the pursuit of excellence. Our pro and amateur team will shine. With the addition of our wrestling coach Ilya Abelev, on top of what I know myself and Professor Pete already bring to the table, I can’t wait to truly see the rewards of the additional programming this year. Working closely with Unified MMA to promote in Ottawa was a dream in 2023 as well. To see our fighters continue off the inertia created at the Shaw centre last fall and build up the grassroots Ottawa MMA scene is so important to me. Spring 2024 stay tuned! I’d like to see Mo Ado get into title contention. A lot of people out there in Ontario are saying no right now, but we will lock him in Q1. Jakey G needs tough fights this year. Alex needs to stay active and get in there right away! Mateo will be in the UFC after he destroys Nguyen for the belt. Taylor is off to OneFC as predicted! Building up the next generation of fighters is super important work right now. Some of the 13-15 year olds I have are absolutely terrifying! On a personal level I’m looking forward to 2024. I made a lot of investments in myself, others, projects that are looking like they’re about to pop off very soon. I love life and can’t wait to live the next year out!

Ligrit Sadiku – My New Year’s resolution is to continue working towards my goals while working on practicing more gratitude throughout the year.
Shannon Clark – Win a world title belt and travel lots with my family!
Neal Anderson – New years resolution is to do a few rounds of skipping before every training session and to waste less time on my phone. Jog more, stretch more, drink less.
Nayimi Ferdaws – I am looking forward having a busy year in my professional career. After my 5-0 amateur career & turning pro this year, I want to have 3-4 this year and I just signed a 3 fight deal with Unified MMA promotion. Looking to climb the Canadian rankings at bantamweight division and earn my shot to the big leagues!
Tommy Morrison – My new year’s resolution is to keep the consistency and discipline that I’ve had for a few years now. Success will come with hard work.

Patrick Connors – My goals in the coming year are to allocate more of my time to studying martial arts, get my first win on UFC Fightpass, and lastly to help coach the newer athletes I’ve been working with to their own respective victories.
Willow Morton – My focus next year is to stay committed to my dreams, work hard for myself and improve mentally, physically and tactically everyday!
Lance Gibson Sr (Gibson MMA) (UFC Vet) – Focusing and Strengthening the Fearless mindset in every Martial artist I teach.
John Ramdeen – My resolution for this year is to truly put in the effort to improve in my personal and professional life. To take the necessary steps to become the best version of myself. Forget the past and focus on the future.
Aiemann Zahabi (UFC) – This may be the year I fight 2x and hopefully crack the top 15.
Alana Cook – Less reading, more beatings. Yeah, school is important, but fighting is importanter.
Sandro Ferr (Tristar West Island) – For 2024 i want to get one of my #fromthegroundup built MMA fighters to get a shot at an amateur belt preferably FQ One. @alexbastien my 125-135er repping TristarWestIsland alongside Xavier Alaoui and Matt Rusniak being big assets to these future pro fighters. As for me to help grow TristarWestIsland new breed of fighters to compete and build them up to make it to pro alongside Xavier, Matt, and strength and conditioning coach Chris Pommier. We have a new stable of fighters built from scratch such as Alex Bastien, Nick Falcao, Nourredin Amer (K1), Paul Tabett (K1), Phil Quinn (MMA), and much more. Keep am eye out for Tristar West Island. We have been in the shadows the past few years building in silence, working hand-in-hand with Firas Zahabi, and Alex Morgan’s Tristar North. Last but not least would continue to spread knowledge of martial arts’ values which have seemed to be getting lost in this MMA world . To preach respect, loyalty, integrity, and the martial art’s way. This fashion of disrespectful behavior towards opponents is frowned upon at Tristar . We believe in respect and the only talking is in the cage, ring, or mats, and nowhere else.
Bubba Picard – My 2024 professional goals are to compete 3 Times taking my record to 4-0. I’d also like to compete in some No-Gi tournaments as a purple belt. Personal goals – want to spend lots of time with my family, stay healthy and happy. Want to travel to Texas to train, and also Thailand.

Chad Anheliger (UFC) – I want to continue to grow Champion’s Creed and build on the martial arts scene in Canada. I will also make my 125lb debut in the UFC with a big victory!
Matar Lo – I recently got my BJJ black belt in November 2023, so hopefully I can get back on the BJJ scene and do some tournaments, and also get my fighters here in Senegal, West Africa to get to be some of the top fighters in the continent first. Then afterward once the big leagues like PFL come to Africa we can compete and dominate the African scene. We also have big leagues here like EFC South Africa, Nigeria, and the Ivory Coast.
Sterling Michetti – I would just like to fight at least once next year. I don’t care what I have to do or who I have to sleep with, but I would just like to participate in one sanctioned MMA bout this following year. It was a pathetic showing from me this past year, and I’ve brought great shame and dishonour to my team and family and for that I apologize. 2024: Right the ship, and the boats are burning.
Richard Ho (H20 MMA) – My new year’s resolution is to keep working hard and help our H2O MMA team to keep winning. Our pro team went undefeated all year long and our (pro & am) team collected a combined 13 Title Belts in 2023. We will try our best to win more in 2024!
David Moon – Get a couple of wins, get signed to a “big” promotion, and grow my gym bigger.
Fred Stonehouse (Surge MMA) – 1. My baby boy just arrived so first and foremost I want to be the best father and husband I can be. 2. I want Surge MMA to continue to grow and improve. We’ve made major strides over the last 2 years but there’s still work to do. I want our team to succeed! 3. Post more in social media. I find it hard to sit down and edit videos – especially of myself. I’m aware that an improved social media presence and content will translate to a bump in business. So I will make that more of a priority in 2024. 4. To inspire others and share the magic of martial arts with kids and adults of all ages and experience levels; to continue to help others achieve their goals: to be my best for them.
Mohamed Ado – Get in at least 3 fights in 2024. Improve my skills in all facets of the fight game and work on the numerous technical flaws I have. Get the biggest and hardest fights possible. Keep my performances good enough to get myself big opportunities and a title in 2024 Insha Allah!
Nordine Taleb (UFC Vet) – Embrace the journey of achieving big dreams by conquering the small goals, one checkmark at a time. And in the pursuit of success, never underestimate the power of cherishing friendships along the way.
Taj Gordon – My New Year’s resolution is to elevate my game to new heights in the coming year. I’ll be honing in on my tactical awareness. I’m committed to maintaining a comprehensive training routine focusing on mental fortitude. Injury prevention is a top priority, so I’ll be working closely with my team on smart training strategies. Embracing a disciplined lifestyle from nutrition to recovery will be key in ensuring I’m consistently at my best. This year it’s about pushing boundaries and striving for excellence in every aspect of my MMA journey.

Caio Machado (UFC) – Work ward, stay healthy and get a good sequence of wins in the UFC.
Ali Wasuk – My new years resolution this is year is to be more in tune spiritually and learn more about my culture and religion, and I want to fight 3 times and exit the regional scene in 2024.
Andrea Watson – I would like to eat at least 3 new animals this year.
Fred Dupras – My New Year’s Resolution is to stay healthy, happy and focus on winning.
Matt Smith – In a sport of highest of highs and lowest of lows 2023 was a tough year for me. I took my first loss as a pro. No excuses, I wasn’t good enough and need to be better. Tough loss but I will be back stronger and better than ever. Looking forward to 2024 and what the future has in store! Happy New Years to all!
Kyle Prepolec (UFC Vet) – Fight as much as possible and make my way back to the top. Keep growing my businesses for property maintenance, personal training and helping people achieve their goals. Being a good father, protector, and provider.
Jo Maisonneuve – This year I want to focus on recovering fully and properly from my ACL, MPFL, and arthroscopic surgeries. I want to come back stronger, fitter, and more determined. Competition wise, I want to be able to have one MMA fight and do No Gi Worlds for Jiu-Jitsu. Lastly, I want to continue to learn how to give myself some grace and remember what I’ve done and been through to get here.
Adam Assenza – Continue to be a consummate professional and adaptable; work hard to lift others up around me and help as many as I can with their goals.

Josh Fox – Firstly, my goal is to make my Tribe even stronger than it already is. My mentors, coaches, co-workers and training partners give me so much of their time and effort. They have shaped me into what I am today, both on a personal level and as a fighter. I am excited to give back to my community, whether it’s coaching people or by being the teammate that pushes those around me towards new heights. As a personal goal, this will be the year that I put everyone on notice at welterweight. Coaches like Brian Bird and Chad Anheliger have invested their time into making me a good fighter. I’m hungry for victories, and ready to show who I am.
Mike Meade – My goals for the new year is to keep grinding and improving each day. Train hard and to always have fun when in the gym and in the cage. My son is now old enough so I’m planning on introducing him to jiu-jitsu at some point in 2024.
Melissa Croden – My New Years resolution this year is to get my P1 athletic visa approved and get signed to the UFC. I would also like to read a book a month.
Rob Veevers (Unified MMA Matchmaker) – I would say New Year’s resolution would be spend more (unplugged) time with my family and try to get back to BJJ.
Xi Lau – My new years resolution is to lose weight and exercise more
MM-EH Andy Cotterill – The past several years have been extremely rough for me, and like many men I kept everything to myself even when I knew that I had people in my life who would be there for me. In 2024 I plan to continue to get into a good position both physically and emotionally, and I want to help normalize men telling their friends that they love them.
Thank you to everyone who continues to support MM-EH in the pursuit of sharing Canadian MMA with the world. All my best to you and your loved ones in 2024 and beyond.