By Andy Cotterill
On January 1st every year, people around the world look to make a new start to something, whether personal or professional, and the people in Canadian MMA are no different.
Below you’ll find the New Year Resolutions of some of your favourite Canadian fighters, coaches, and personalities. Please feel free to add your comment and share what you want to work on in 2023!
Click on their name to go to their Instagram profile!
Mike Malott (UFC)– I’m looking to fight 3 times next year, go 3-0 with 3 stoppages and buy a house!

Scott MacLean – My New Year’s Resolution is: to be healthy, happy, and spend more time with family.
Josh Hill (Bellator) – 3 wins in Bellator. Help my guys climb the ranks. Continue to grow my mental coaching business Cerebral Champion. Getting more and more into the management side of the game (Canadian rep for my management company).
Lee Mein – My New Year’s resolution is to train hard and get a couple fights in and put on a few amazing Rumble in the Cage events.
Mike Meade – To be more active in MMA. To be a better person overall (not that I’m bad) and to not let things I can’t control bother me.
Justin Bourgeois – My New Years Resolution is to HELP more people if I can and be more compassionate and show more gratitude throughout the coming year.
Jarred Dumond – So my goal for 2023 as a fighter is to get my record to a point where I’m no longer going to be on the regional scene, I want to be in the bigger shows or at least on their radar. I want to stay healthy and not be sidelined over stupidity. Also saying no to things that interfere with my happiness.
Pat Pytlik – Stay fit, Stay healthy, Get married.
Gino Ghalehpardaz – Mine is to compete at least 5 times across both MMA and grappling (with at least 3 of those being MMA fights) – and to read more (at least 5 books this year).

Kyle Nelson (UFC) – My New Year’s Resolutions start with getting the win at UFC South Korea. But I’m definitely going to put most of my focus in 2023 on my kids and family. Fighting is definitely a hard sport but I think it can be the hardest on those behind the scenes like my kids and fiancée. Along with that I want to focus on building my gym Muskoka Martial Arts and my Jiu Jitsu program at House of Champions.
Sam Stout (UFC Veteran) – My resolution is to read a book a month for some mental exercise and I’m going to continue last years resolution to work on stretching and mobility 2 hours a week minimum.
Jeff Harrison – Continue to live a values based life and pass this on to my students and pupils. Get Taylor McClatchie up to 60 wins and win the road to OneFC tournament at Muay Thai World Cup. Get Mateo Vogel another devastating win in March and get the call to the show. Get Alex O’Neil to 7-0. Continue to foster new pro MMA talent like Mo Ado, Jake Geauvreau, and Mirza Hopovac (debut in March) as well as build the system and the amateur team.
Aiemann Zahabi (UFC) – I would love to fight at least twice in 2023, winning both and having a crack at the top 15 for my third fight.
Aaron Bronsteter (TSN) – To help grow the sport of mixed martial arts in Canada.
Maged Hammo – Keep being me and keep doing what I’m doing haha.
Gabe Sagman – I want to double down on my goals and cut out any unnecessary distractions.
Lucas Chaston – I want to read more which is wild as I’m sure most don’t know I can read haha. I want to do more seminars this year professionally.
Jasmine Jasudavicius (UFC) – My New Year’s Resolution is to stay consistent everyday.

Matt Speciale – Lower my walk around weight so I can take last minute fights. Consistency > Perfection – not getting fixed on doing everything perfect but keeping the bulk of my positive habits consistent throughout. Going into a minimum of 4 grappling tournaments. Fight a minimum of 3 times in 2023. Watch and study more fight film. Grow my nutritional client list by 3x the amount. Increasing both my nutritional and business literacy t improve my nutrition company.
Christien Savoie – My New Year’s Resolution would simply to move deeper into my spirituality and closer to god.
Brian Beauchamp – The best way to predict the future is create it therefore I would encourage people to live their dreams today, by shrinking their pool of friends and acquaintances to focus on the few that are really there for them when needed. You will find out that that group in quite small. Also in 2023 to be a mentor to young people and focus on giving back to others you will find out it’s very rewarding.
Noah Ali – Mine is for great health and preparation for my baby girl coming in May!
Melissa Croden – As a fighter, the idea of a New Years resolution in regards to fighting is a bit funny because one year bleeds into the next when you have an extreme goal such as becoming a UFC fighter. It is a good time for me to reflect on not only accomplishments but also the time it has taken to get to where I am. This year my goal remains; to become the best Martial artist I can become.
Ryan Rother – My focus into this next year is definitely around professional growth in both announcing and my career as a safety professional.
Aaron Jeffery (Bellator) – My New Year’s Resolution is the same as every year, don’t die!!

Mark Hominick (UFC Veteran) – Focusing on getting a lot of our younger guys competing in amateur MMA. Tough with no opportunity in Ontario as of now but hopefully this year things change.
Taj Gordon – My New Year’s Resolution is to stay focused and mentally sharp. The mental aspect of fighting is often overlooked, but it’s just as important as the physical. I have made a resolution to stay focused and mentally sharp, whether through meditation, visualization, or other mental training techniques.
Ramil Kamilov – To stay true to myself and always keep my word to myself.
Michael Dufort – I’m going to work harder than I’ve ever done to join the UFC in 2023. 23 is a winning number and it’s mine!
Kevin Bastien-Popowick – Actually finishing a book instead of just stopping half way through every book I read.
Nick Castiglia – To focus more on family and loved ones.
Andrea Watson – I’d like to eat more meat and animal products this year (I already eat a lot… want to eat MORE)
John Ramdeen – My New Year’s Resolutions are as follows: Learn and grow as a person and martial artist, Train more, improve my health, and watch more One Championship and KSW.
Shari Carruthers – My resolution will be to take all the lessons learned from 2022 and ensure they’re not in vain and apply them in 2023. Looking forward to a year of growth and excitement, both personally and in business.
Jesse Gough – Mine is to be a better Coach to my students.

Anthony Romero – My New Year’s Resolution is to help more people with achieving their fitness goals and to spread knowledge in the sport of MMA to upcoming fighters.
Sterling Michetti – My new years resolution is to get PhD in Astronomy. I wouldn’t mind wrapping up the semester about the stars, galaxy and the moon rocks n shit as well as seeing if me, a Scorpio can somehow be compatible with an asparagus. It’s an achievable goal albeit a difficult one. Overcoming the hurdles of literally not being enrolled in a course remotely close to the subject is the biggest hurdle I feel I’ll have to overcome.
Brent Fryia – Continue building a strong gym culture of people who support each other. Increase the number of competitive athletes in our MMA, kickboxing, boxing and jiu jitsu programs. Have more of our current competitive athletes move into higher levels of provincial, national, international and professional competition.
Matthew Jelly – I don’t have much on that… I do the same things year in and out, hustle to keep climbing the martial arts ladder.
Malcolm Gordon (UFC) – Let’s Go!
Neal Anderson – New years resolution is to do a few rounds of skipping before every training session and to waste less time on my phone.
Kelton Sneve – To not lose anymore fights.
Faisal Rehman – My New Years resolution is to spend more time with those I love and to also continue my lifelong journey of improving my physical and spiritual health.
Mandel Nallo (Bellator) – I just want to get better at fighting.

Mark Holst (UFC Veteran)– First goal is to continue growing the amateur muay Thaï fighters and BJJ fighters with lots of fight night experience and tournament opportunities. Grow the fight team by 5 more amateur fighters. Continue adding more punching bags to GB Ottawa. Get some more BJJ and Muay Thaï seminars and get 1 Sambo seminar at the gym. Open another school (5th). Get the pros to the next level; Regan Gowing World champion muay Thaï, Daniel san Lariviere World Lethwei Champion, Robbie Lavoie Karate Combat Champion. For myself personally to continue on my judo journey to get my green belt!
Jo Maisonneuve – This past year has taught me a lot about prioritizing my body. I’ve had a rough year with injuries seeming to take the majority of my time and because of that I’ve felt rushed into competition. This year, I want to prioritize my body by dedicating time to my injuries and staying diligent with my nutrition. I’ve noticed in the past that if I can do these things well that I will be successful in my MMA career, which I would like to have at least four fights and compete in one combat Jiujitsu match in 2023.
Nordine Taleb (UFC, Bellator Veteran)– The future is important, but tomorrow is not guaranteed. Don’t postpone important stuff if I can get it done today and don’t take friends or family for granted. I am only expressing my true feelings with people who really matter to me.
Matt Smith – 2022 was a great successful year! I plan on bringing that energy and momentum into 2023. I’d like to take some more risks in pursuing finishes in my fights but I plan on continuing to get my hand raised whatever it takes. I plan on being on a whole new level come the New Year and have success set in my sights. As I continue to evolve as a person and a fighter, I look very forward to 2023 and plan on bringing the action and excitement to the cage!

Adam Assenza – New Year’s Resolution is to be more present.
Michael Hill (left)

2023 is right around the corner.
31,536,000 seconds
526,600 minutes
8,760 hours
365 days
Time is tickin…
The one thing in life we can never get back is “time”
So what are you going to do with it?
Does anybody else besides me feel like 2022 was a complete lesson about Faith? Relationships? Friends? family? And a whole lot of our own inner work?
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in life thus far is that Truth is the undefeated champion of the world, and the cage never lies.
That’s why I love MMA!
Its my religion…one of em!
The best soap opera in the world!, haha
This is my truth…
I hope you read this message because I know it will work
Don’t be afraid of where 2022 took ya. Don’t ever be afraid of where you’ve been.
Its apart of you. Its apart of your greatness. Its a chapter in your story. Its a part of your success.
Embrace it, and use it. All of it. GO ALL IN! We got one life.
Don’t be afraid of where you’ve been!
I was soft in 2022! Feck!
Looking back i probably played life at 5%. I defiantly competed inside the cage at 5%.
On the outside looking in it wouldn’t look like that to most people though.
Here’s a real truth. Very few people (possibly no one) will ever know the REAL YOU.
Most are too blind to see you for anything past who they think they know of you from the past, or now the social media post they watch, follow, or creep on ya for.
Even if the good outweighs it by a million to one they still going to hate you for that single thing you done. They don’t see you around your community. They don’t see the extra efforts you make on making people feel special and loved. They don’t see the work you’re putting in to whatever goals or niche it is you have going on. They don’t notice or understand the distance you go or travel to make things right for many. They don’t hear your inner thought or prayers. They don’t know what monsters are in your closet or demons you slay each day and night. You dreams, fears, hopes, aspirations and desires….those are all yours and yours alone for the most part.
So whatever you think of my life, guess what?
I am human too…( at least half of me) ….. * haters are pulling their hair out right now screaming!!! ..haha
I make mistakes. I break promises to myself and to others. I find myself not following through with my word sometimes. I’m selfish sometimes. I have a chip on my shoulder from the past, present, and future.. some days I’m an asshole.
If somebody deserves a slap, I find them and I slap em! I catch a case, and I deal with it.
IM NOT PERFECT! and in no way shape or form do I ever think i am.
But what I am is REAL.
I don’t know another MMA athlete in all of BC whos has consistently shared there entire story for 15 years over social media, and if you’ve ever got to be around me in person know I am the exact same Mfr as I am on the other side of that screen.
And so yes , this year I deserved it man.
I got to damn stuck in my ways, my karma was constant for the hearts I was breaking, and I needed an ass whooping for all my sins.
As i reflect , and what I’ve came to realize and learn most was that I was taking more from the world than I was ever giving back.
I consumed more from mentors and media than I ever gave back, and created myself.
I lost complete focus on what truly mattered most. God, my family, and my community.
I did a whole lot more “typing” than I did, talking, walking, and standing up and fighting….For what really mattered in these last couple years.
I played so fucking small man.
I let a lot of problems get to me and weigh me down. I got lazy with a lot of things I should have been standing up for, and in return got sat the fuck down when it came time for me to shine.
One voice in my head says I failed and I wasted a lot of time.
I failed as a Father, a partner, and a Leader.
Another voice says none of this would’ve been possible, and you would never gain the knowledge, or become the man ( father, partner, leader) you’re meant to be without these kinds of tough, painful, lessons and experiences.
I listen to the latter.
For the last 16 years I’ve had this vehicle in my life called “MMA”. Its saved my life a handful of times. It taught me more than anyone and anything ever has or ever will. It’s been there for me through the good times and the ugly times. No matter what fire is going on the inside, or the outside of my life, it always brought me to the best version of myself.
Its shaped and molded me into the man I am today. With Gods work, and hard work I continue to get the opportunity to showcase my mindset, and skillset on some of the biggest stages, against some of the toughest warriors, while people all over the world are watching me. Hate me or love me, you’re watching.
In the end……. win or lose, I always level up, and find the answers I was searching for in that moment of my life.
I conquer that chapter of life and move forward to the next one a better man.
I’m always seeking to get better.
Physically, Mentally, spiritually.
As a man, a warrior, a father, lover, son, brother, uncle, coach, and leader.
It’s my destiny to be a great leader.
A King is never born. He is always made.
That’s what I truly believe is in the makings as I continue to move forward and not stay down when i fall.
My greatest successes have always come based off of my greatest failures or fuck ups. Through the Ls in life, you find the Ws! It’s because within those losses comes the wisdom to overcome the fall. No matter how big that fall is, you just have to get up and keep going. You can never ever quit.
Do I regret the year? FUCK NO.
NO AMOUNT of regret will ever fix the past. Neither will it make the future better. There is just no rational reason to ever have any regrets. Learn your lessons and move the fuck on. Stop dwelling on what is not anymore and start building what is not yet.
I am thankful for it, and I am happy for the awareness because I realize now more than ever how much more I MUST DO.
How much more ACTION I must take.
How much more God has given me, and how much more is expected of me.
I’ve been blessed with this vision, voice inside my heart, and this work ethic.
With Gods work and hard work i have a body of a Greek god, a mind of a great stoic, and a spirit of a warrior. I’m hard to kill.
My body breaks bones, my hands have both the ability to hurt or heal..
I have this burning fire deep inside my soul that loves to fight for glory and entertainment. But also for my people.
I’m put on this earth to protect, teach, and guide all children, as well to help and show other men, and young men to do the same.
To be both savage and a servant. A Lion and a lamb.
It would be a complete disservice, and failure on my part, to waste it all. This would be my only regret on my death bed. To know I was born with something different inside me, and not use it to help others, and make the world a better place as best I can.
Nothing is more dangerous than a broken man rebuilding himself.
2022 the foundation cracked, not crumbled.
2023 we patch the cracks up even stronger and we make some BIG FUCKING MOVES now with the knowledge and experience gained.
I am not one for resolutions really. Maybe back in the day i would set em. Id have to go back and see.
I just feel now resolutions are excuses to be doing what you should be doing already anyways. I mean, I’ve lived in the gym since I was in grade 8. I honestly don’t think I’ve missed a single day walking into a gym since then. That’s 23 years in a gym every day. I’ve seen it and heard it all.
Improvement is a living breathing continual process that shouldn’t need 1 day of a year to make a change. You shouldn’t have to turn it on and off all the time. Its like a phone app, it should be running and turned on ALL THE TIME!
Goals matter – but we should be setting goals up every day, every week, every month and taking action to hit them. And when we miss, who cares. keeeeep going! Don’t drown in yesterdays failures and definitely don’t dwell on the past!
You cant change the past no matter how hard you try!
The best you can do is learn from the past and apply the lessons learned to improve yourself and those around you.
So here’s what I am going to wrtie down for the new year and read this to myself every morning and night.
I am huge on putting out to the world what we want and what we need to do. Having a vision board and a mission statement is key.
2023, I continue on my mission. Gods work and hard work. To always try and reach my true potential. To be a little better than yesterday. To be the King my family and community needs. I continue to be a man of my word. I work even harder on my mindset, my skillset, and my daily habits. I give more than I take. I create more than I consume. I walk the walk, and not just type and talk. I don’t indulge in degeneracy. I don’t get involved in gossip. I don’t break under pressure. I never abandon my children. I no longer tolerate disrespect.
I don’t dwell on the past. I no longer trust weak men. I stop lying to myself. I don’t beg for love, i give more love, and I never give up.
I will teach more than I preach. I will share and spread stoicism. I will find a way to teach all walks of life how to fight, how to defend themselves. I will teach social awareness, emotional control, fitness, and nutrition. I will make others around me feel safer, and help the future become brighter in more people’s eyes.
I will never stop self-improving, packing on muscle, stacking knowledge, tolerating zero bullshit, learning valuable skills, getting my priorities straight, and making more money than I’ve ever made.
In all areas of my life, I’m going to Lead like a King, move like a ninja, think for myself, work like a machine, train like a navy seal, learn like a white belt, try to speak like Inky Johnson, and immma get back fighting like a fucking world CHAMPION of life.
I will compete on my terms, and i only want BIG NAME fights, and I want to do a show in my hometown before I really retire.
Fighting in Japan would be a dream come true too.
I’m creating my own Legacy. I hope to pass it down through 10 other generations. Helping change 1 million lives along the way.
I like to show people what they’re capable of.
That there is greatness inside of them.
A lot of people think I’m this big angry dude screaming with hate, but it’s all 100% passion and love.
I’m a passionate dude.
I’ve gotten through a lot.
I’m here to help in any way i can through my own experiences.
If you want to change your life, follow people who can actually validate that they have been through the journey themselves.
Remember you can buy followers, but not real influence.
So with that said, I am going to share a few things with the readers to think about this New year’s;
January 1st won’t change anything… Monday won’t change anything… A new month won’t change anything… It might give ya a little boost and “fresh start”.
But what you can do in ONE WHOLE YEAR CAN CHANGE YOUR FUCKING LIFE MAN! God damn, all you need is six months!
Six months of consistency, drinking water, exercising, meditating, eating healthy, walking with your family each night, and learning new skills will take you to a completely different place mentally, physically, spiritually and financially.
If you truly want to make something out of your life. You’re going to have to show up every single day and attack your goals with dedicated consistency.
You have to build the discipline, mental toughness, and perseverance to keep pursuing your goals long past the moment you feel like quitting.
This is the sole reason why everyone on the bandwagon falls off within the first few weeks.
They haven’t built the skills necessary to see their goals through to the end.
Instead, they spend a majority of their lives fucking off and waiting for the “perfect time” to start executing.
Let me be the first to tell you the “perfect time” is right now. Not January 1st, 2023.
And if it is for you then okay so be it. But if you don’t start executing TODAY you’ll be telling yourself the same lie next year about how “2024 will be the year that everything changes.” Nothing is going to change until you start taking ACTION!
Now If you’re like me …. somebody who is always on a mission and is constantly in pursuit of your true potential in life.
Which I assume you are since you’re reading this and got this far. (sorry not sorry)
It can be very easy to get lost in the pursuit of your goals and dreams. The work that needs to be done, the fires that need to be put out, and within that you completely forget about the people and things that make the journey worthwhile.
My ask of you today, and all this year is to enjoy some time with your family and loved ones. Be grateful for each new day. Understand the privileges you have. Make memories that will last a lifetime and promise to never lose sight of them. Because they matter most.
Love your parents, take care of your parents. They brought you into this world. They gave you the gift of life.
To all parents…Our children need you. They need healthy, strong loving present parents. They need healthy connection. They need safety. They don’t care about fancy things. They don’t need you numb, drunk, or stoned all the time. They really need you to heal your pain. Do your inner work please. They need you to show up every…single…day and be there fully with LOVE.
Lastly, and the BIGGEST one I’ve been diving deep into for the last few years is working on your mental state.
What are you doing to become your absolute strongest mentally?
To build a bullet proof mindset?
Because this is what matters most.
What are you consuming? yes, ALL OF IT???… Who are you surrounding yourself with? Who are you scrolling through?
What are you listening to, and watching? Music, podcasts, News stations, Media?
What are you fueling your body with each day? Fuel or poison?
Are you challenging yourself every day? Are you reading books to learn and gain new information? Are you keeping the promises you made to yourself? Are you controlling the things you can control? Are you surrounding yourself with people who encourage you and inspire you daily?
The amount of work you do to your mindset and mental toughness will ultimately dictate the outcome of your entire life. If you aren’t constantly working to shape your mind into a fucking weapon you will end up with …..the bare minimum….so much less then, and you will never become what you’re capable of.
Your mind is a powerful tool. Make sure you’re always keeping it sharpened, or you’ll always lose to someone who does.
Being able to honestly assess yourself throughout life is one of the most important skillsets we can have as human beings.
We beat ourselves up too much over our past, or mistakes we make, and we use excuses to why we can never get anything done or accomplished.
To take a moment in solitude and listen to self. To assess , and understand self.
Most can never master this, and before they know it, it’s too late. The more YOU can look within, the more you can look at yourself in the mirror, the closer your self-reflection can bring you to the truth.
The next time you’re given the opportunity to assess your actions and decisions for any given situation.
Slow down. Push your emotions aside. Evaluate the facts. Identify the truth. Develop a plan, and then take extreme action on that plan. Execute, execute, execute!
If you develop this skill, you’ll have no problem identifying and fixing the holes in your armor of life.
Be the man or the women in the arena. Don’t be scared to fall on your face and get laughed at by people who will never even try. Their punishment is in the life they have to live every single day.
Pick yourself up. Keep moving. Keep climbing. Drown out the noise. Never quit. Never give up.
It will all be worth it in the end.
I am so grateful for 2022 – The wins and the loses.
2023 will be 10x ! So to all the people that couldn’t stand me this year, just letting you know next year is going to be even worse
So sit back, relax, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show!
Michael Hill (left)