History of MMA in BC
MMA was formally legalized in British Columbia in 2013 when the federal government passed a bill to legalize contact sports. This allowed the province to establish the Office of the BC Athletic Commissioner (BCAC) to oversee and regulate professional boxing, kickboxing, and mixed martial arts contests.
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) in British Columbia is regulated by the BC Athletic Commissioner (BCAC) under the Athletic Commissioner Act. Here are the key rules and regulations:
MMA Regulations
Athletic Commissioner Regulation – B.C. Reg 2013/170
Minister’s Athletic Commissioner Regulation – B.C. Reg 2013/171
Professional and amateur MMA events must be sanctioned by the BCAC.
As required in Regulation, the BCAC has adopted the ABC Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts (July 2022) for professional fights.
The BCAC has provisionally adapted the ABC Amateur MMA rules.
Active MMA Organizations
Battlefield Fight League (BFL) – Professional & Amateur MMA
All Martial Arts MMA (AMMA) – Amateur MMA